The x-ray showed 5 puppies for certain, but there was a faint hairline that looked like it could be puppy #6. On May 22, bright and early in the morning, Molly started showing signs of stage 1 labour. She was restless, panting, pacing, nesting. She did not want to eat breakfast or leave her nest. She spent the next 12 hours in stage 1. I started to get a bit worried when there was still no hard labour by 8 pm. I had visions of an all night event, with the potential of having a trip to the emergence hospital for a c-section as my own vet closed up at 8 pm. Finally, at 8:55, Molly had her first hard contraction. There was thunder and lightning outside...our first major storm of the spring. Molly was calm, despite the anxiety her mom (me) was feeling. Nothing a glass of wine couldn't help!
The first puppy was the most difficult and turned out to be the largest of her litter. At first, she wasn't sure what had happened. She looked stunned as I broke his sack and started rubbing his little body. I was so relieved when he gurgled and then started to breathe. Before he was even fully born, he had latched onto her caudal nipple and was suckling away. I was amazed at his determination to get the first drink before his siblings arrived! It was about another 20 minutes before the placenta came out. He was already almost dry by this point.
Puppy 2 was a full hour and a half behind the first. I thought 'Im going to be here all night for sure'. Once Molly started having contractions again, this little guy actually came out quite quickly. This time, she knew what to do and began licking him right away. I helped with the membrane and the cord again, but she was learning very quickly. Its amazing to watch and see the instinct take over.
All the while, Dandy was keeping vigil over things. He stayed just on the other side of the gate the entire night. Curiosity? Lonely for me? Not sure. But he has been taking very good care of Molly over the last two months, and has seemed to be very doting and concerned about her. He would groom her every night and follow her around.
Puppies 3 and 4 were born in quick succession of puppy 2. All of these three came within the span of 30 minutes. I had trouble keeping up! I was shocked to see, that so far...all were males! So far, 4 boys and I was thinking that 5 puppies was going to be it. I was hoping for a girl for her last baby.
Half an hour later, the fifth puppy was born, and it too was a boy! I could hardly believe that all five were boys. But what beautiful healthy boys they were, all plump and nursing well. I waited another hour to make sure she was finished. Molly seemed relaxed and content with her brood. I offered her a meal of puppy food mixed with rice noodles and she ate eagerly. I tucked everyone in, and made sure that they were secure, and went to bed.
When I got up in the morning, I went to visit the puppies and Molly, hoping that everyone was still doing well. All puppies seemed happy and full, and Molly looked like she had rested up a bit. I went and put coffee on and in my sleepiness, had not noticed that there was one more puppy than there had been before. It wasn't until i was on the phone with my vet, booking them for dewclaw removal (in three days) that I noticed there seemed to be a LOT of puppies. I recounted and there were SIX! I counted three more times to make sure, as they squirm around quite a bit. Yup....I had been right about the x-ray. There WAS a sixth puppy! And when I figured out which one it was, I was delighted to see the Molly's last born was an adorable little girl! Wow...has she got her work cut out for her....last born and 5 pesky brothers. She better be tough!
The first puppy was the most difficult and turned out to be the largest of her litter. At first, she wasn't sure what had happened. She looked stunned as I broke his sack and started rubbing his little body. I was so relieved when he gurgled and then started to breathe. Before he was even fully born, he had latched onto her caudal nipple and was suckling away. I was amazed at his determination to get the first drink before his siblings arrived! It was about another 20 minutes before the placenta came out. He was already almost dry by this point.
Puppy 2 was a full hour and a half behind the first. I thought 'Im going to be here all night for sure'. Once Molly started having contractions again, this little guy actually came out quite quickly. This time, she knew what to do and began licking him right away. I helped with the membrane and the cord again, but she was learning very quickly. Its amazing to watch and see the instinct take over.
All the while, Dandy was keeping vigil over things. He stayed just on the other side of the gate the entire night. Curiosity? Lonely for me? Not sure. But he has been taking very good care of Molly over the last two months, and has seemed to be very doting and concerned about her. He would groom her every night and follow her around.
Puppies 3 and 4 were born in quick succession of puppy 2. All of these three came within the span of 30 minutes. I had trouble keeping up! I was shocked to see, that so far...all were males! So far, 4 boys and I was thinking that 5 puppies was going to be it. I was hoping for a girl for her last baby.
Half an hour later, the fifth puppy was born, and it too was a boy! I could hardly believe that all five were boys. But what beautiful healthy boys they were, all plump and nursing well. I waited another hour to make sure she was finished. Molly seemed relaxed and content with her brood. I offered her a meal of puppy food mixed with rice noodles and she ate eagerly. I tucked everyone in, and made sure that they were secure, and went to bed.
When I got up in the morning, I went to visit the puppies and Molly, hoping that everyone was still doing well. All puppies seemed happy and full, and Molly looked like she had rested up a bit. I went and put coffee on and in my sleepiness, had not noticed that there was one more puppy than there had been before. It wasn't until i was on the phone with my vet, booking them for dewclaw removal (in three days) that I noticed there seemed to be a LOT of puppies. I recounted and there were SIX! I counted three more times to make sure, as they squirm around quite a bit. Yup....I had been right about the x-ray. There WAS a sixth puppy! And when I figured out which one it was, I was delighted to see the Molly's last born was an adorable little girl! Wow...has she got her work cut out for her....last born and 5 pesky brothers. She better be tough!
Puppy #1 "Bumper"

Male born at 9:54 pm on May 22. Weight at birth 188g. He has two small spots on the top of his head and half of his face is white. He is very cute!
"Bumper" at one week old

"Bumper" at 2 weeks old

Bumper at 3 weeks old

Bumper at 4 weeks old

Bumper at 5 weeks old

Bumper at 6 weeks old

Puppy #2 "Quinton"

Male born at 11:35 pm on May 22. Weight at birth 180g. He is very nicely marked with a nice balance of black and white. He has his mothers haggerty dot on his forehead.
"Quinton" at one week old

"Quinton" at 2 weeks old

Quinton at 3 weeks old

Quinton at 4 weeks old

Quinton at 5 weeks old

Quinton at 6 weeks old

Puppy #3

Male born at 11:46 pm May 22. Weight at birth 179g. He does not have a full collar, and also has a small patch of white over his right shoulder.
Puppy #3 at one week old

Puppy #3 at 2 weeks old

Puppy #3 (Charlie Chapman) at 3 weeks old

Charlie at 4 weeks old

Charlie at 5 weeks old

Charlie (Now Barney) at 6 weeks old

Puppy #4

Male born at 12:03 am May 23. Weight at birth 159g. He was the smallest of the litter, but not small enough to be considered a runt. Despite his smaller size, he is very very vigorous and has a healthy appetite. His collar is quite thin and not complete, but he has a gorgeous face!
Puppy #4 at one week old

Puppy #4 at 2 weeks old

Puppy #4 (Oliver Twist) at 3 weeks old

Ollie at 4 weeks old

Ollie at 5 weeks old

Ollie (Now Clark) at 6 weeks old

Puppy #5 "Abbath"

Male born at 12:35 am May 23. Weight at birth 171g. This little guy is marked for show! He is simply gorgeous! He has a full collar and is very evenly marked. I cant wait to see what he looks like as an adult.
"Abbath" at one week old

"Abbath" at 2 weeks old

Abbath at 3 weeks old

Abbath at 4 weeks old

Abbath at 5 weeks old

Abbath at 6 weeks old

Puppy #6 "Luna"

Female born at sometime after 1:30 am May 23. Weight in the morning was 190g (with a full belly). She is lovely! A real princess. I am so happy to have at least one little girl in the bunch. She is going to melt someones heart for sure! She is also very nicely marked and has her moms haggerty dot. She looks quite a bit like her brother (#5)
"Luna" at one week old

"Luna" at 2 weeks old

Luna at 3 weeks old

Luna at 4 weeks old

Luna at 5 weeks old

Luna at 6 weeks old