4 weeks old tomorrow! Time goes just so fast. I cant believe how fast the last month has gone. And already almost weened and now able to run and play, Molly's puppies are growing and changing so quickly. This picture is of their cousin Chai, who is absolutely enthralled with them. They are starting to show their incredible little personalities now. I'm actually taking notes so I can keep track of it. I know little Ollie is one of the sweethearts. He LOVES to give little kisses on my nose. He is soooo affectionate. Abbath is a bit of a whiner. He gets himself away from his litter-mates and then starts to cry and wonder why he is alone, when all he has to do is go to the other side of the pen and curl up with them. Quinton is super playful and the first one to try to grab at someones ear or cheek to instigate a game. He acts all tough and come out with these little barks and growls. But then he gives them a lick to say its just a game. I am on constant poo duty now. Trying to catch them before they even hit the ground, but for sure before it gets trod on. Its a full time job!. I have been keeping Molly out during the day to give her a rest now that they are eating quite well, but she is with them all night. And she doesnt leave the side of the pen for very long. She keeps vigil over her crew, but seems happy to be able to watch over without being attacked all the time by a hungry hord.