Wow...are those babies ever hungry! This morning, everyone was sleeping and quiet when I woke up. Molly was asking to go out when i got into the kitchen. I lifted her gently out of her pen and took her to the door, then went back to replace yesterdays blankets with nice fresh clean ones. When those little guys woke up, they were on a serious search for breakfast! Suckling on everything they could find. An endless search because the buffet was still outside! They are getting really strong and are able to crawl around really quite quickly. I got Molly's breakfast ready and brought her back in. She stood to eat, with all of these frustrated hungry little bodies crying and searching for milk around her feet. When Molly finally finished eating and lay down, she was attacked! The fervor with which the puppies suckle is incredible! I put little number 4 on Molly's caudal teat, which is the biggest and one of the best for good milk supply, and he just went to town!
Little #1 really really reminds me of his dad, Dandy. Dandy LOVES to sleep on his back. I hope he continues to be like his dad because Dandy is the biggest sweetheart you could ever meet.